We have brought together the finest industry experts across marketing procurement, advertising and media management. Find out more about each speaker.
Wojciech Raś

Wojciech Raś

Managing Director, Progmatic GmbH

Wojciech Raś is a seasoned professional with over 17 years of experience in strategic marketing procurement and media governance. Founder and Managing Director at Progmatic GmbH, Wojciech is dedicated to helping advertisers and their procurement partners get the most out of their media agency relationships and ensure value retention through thorough and robust governance processes. Leveraging his expertise across various industries, including FMCG, energy, finance, telecom, and retail, Wojciech specialises in designing and implementing governance frameworks enabling advertisers to be in control of their media and marketing spend.

Wojciech has started his indirect procurement career at P&G, with marketing and media procurement roles in the Central European region, followed by an EMEA innovation role, where- amongst others- he was part of an in-house programmatic project and JBP’s with the largest digital media companies of the time: Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Yahoo! 

At Anheuser-Busch InBev he assumed a Global Media Procurement Director role, supporting the organisation during the integration of SAB Miller markets and conducting one of the largest global media pitches of 2017. Afterwards, he cooperated with Media Path, and upon its takeover, with Ebiquity, as a media consultant, overseeing a number of client accounts, cost and quality tracking as well as leading global, regional and local media pitches.

With a solid foundation in commercial strategy and tactics, attention to detail and solution-oriented pragmatism, Wojciech helps his clients to rebalance the power equation between advertisers and media agencies to maintain a transparent, fair and mutually beneficial relationship.

In his spare time (or whatever is left of it), he hikes in Schwarzwald, rides his mountain bike, fixes stuff and writes about current topics in procurement and media.