We have brought together the finest industry experts across marketing procurement, advertising and media management. Find out more about each speaker.
Nick Sparey


Founder & Managing Partner, Illumino Partnership

Nick has over 25 years of experience within the Media and Marketing industry from all sides of the spectrum. He started his career as a Media Buyer in Agencies at Havas and Omnicom, before acquiring in-depth specialist knowledge of consulting, auditing and benchmarking with five years at Accenture.

He has also spent significant time on the client-side within Marketing Procurement, overseeing the Media and Marketing category strategies at Johnson & Johnson for 13 years. His role included overseeing in-depth SRM programs covering contract compliance, metrics and KPIs as well as category strategy development and cross-functional stakeholder engagement. He was also responsible for co-leading 2 global Media Agency pitches across 90+ countries. 

Nick is the Founder and Managing Partner of Illumino Partnership, a global consultancy that specializes in Marketing Procurement. It provides innovation and added value to Marketing Procurement teams and their organizations to help them achieve their strategic priorities. 

Formed in early 2024 it is well placed to meet the demands placed on Marketing Procurement teams within a fast-paced, dynamic and constantly evolving marketplace globally, regionally and locally. Its goal is to work with clients to understand their unique needs and challenges and provide customised solutions that will help them succeed in the highly competitive marketing landscape. Services cover all aspects of the Marketing Procurement ecosystem but focuses in particular on 3 key areas: people, process and performance. The company’s core values reside in helping Procurement teams adapt to pressures from cross-functional internal stakeholders to continuously deliver value and savings, as well as managing an increasingly complex and diverse supplier portfolio across the Marketing spend.