We have brought together the finest industry experts across marketing procurement, advertising and media management. Find out more about each speaker.
Jeff Cobb


Specialist, Procurement Marketing Manager, Cobb Collective

With over three decades of experience, Jeff brings a wealth of knowledge in managing commercial and financial relationships, as well as overseeing operations and production in various aspects of marketing communications. 

Having held several senior agency and client-side positions, Jeff moved into consultancy.  

Recognising the need for comprehensive services to support brands in efficiently procuring creative, production, and media, as well as streamlining associated operations, he established Cobb Collective in 2010 following a successful exit from his second start-up.

Jeff’s deep understanding of the various sectors and specialisations within the creative industries enables him to identify optimal connections and cultivate mutually beneficial relationships between clients and their partners. 

Outside the day-job, you’ll find him diverted by family, cinema, and football (although not always in that order).